Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in South Asia works towards building the capacity of refugees in order to develop greater self-reliance and to live with dignity and peace now and in the future. JRS presence in South Asia has been since 1985 (Srilanka-1985, Tamil Nadu-1990, Nepal- 1991, Afghanistan-2005, Delhi-2012, and Bangladesh-2017). Currently we are working in India (New Delhi and Tamil Nadu) and Bangladesh.
In Delhi, urban refugees have fostered their resilience through capacity building programs for upgrading employment-oriented skills, building communities by accessing educational & livelihoods training and through integration of peace & reconciliation programs. JRS also strengthened resilience of the most vulnerable refugees through emergency support by providing financial support, dry rations, and access to medical treatment.
In Tamil Nadu, JRS’s programs encourage students and teachers to strive for peaceful and inclusive learning communities through Complementary Education Centres. Capacity building programs for unemployed youth in the camps helped them have better prospects in the labour market and take a proactive role in addressing social problems in the camps. The peace programs inculcate values of peace and reconciliation by trained teachers and by organizing connector activities in local host schools and through necessary psychosocial support and counselling services.
In Bangladesh, JRS, in partnership with Caritas Bangladesh runs Multi-purpose Child and Adolescent Centres facilitating forcibly displaced people of Myanmar, especially children to live in safe and supportive environment and protect them from violence and Covid 19. The MCAC project engage and train children, youth, women and staff for promoting good quality education and enhance livelihood opportunities and also gender sensitive health and hygiene practices among refugees especially, women and girls to effectively respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.