07 February 2025

Dua Rahimi is a high school graduate and an Each One Teach Some (EOTS) volunteer at JRS ECD (Early Childhood Development) class in her displaced community in Herat, Afghanistan. She continues her journey as a young woman amidst the challenges and struggles present in the context of everyday life.
Educating children helps her keeping hope for a better future alive. Dua gathers children from her neighborhood in a small room of her house. Previously, they spent their days in the streets, engaged in errand jobs or lingering about. Since they experienced Dua’s love and dedication during ECD classes, the children are happy to exchange life in the dirty streets for transformative guided play and learning. While Dua’s father opposed her commitment to the education of the displaced children of their neighbourhood, her mother continues to support her, appreciating their attachment to their teacher.
“Working with children has opened a new world for me. Every moment I spend with them, I realize how love and education can create a brighter future for my country. Education can make children grow into responsible & honest members of the society” states Dua.
Her face starts glowing radiantly, as she narrates the impact of her engagement with the children. She narrates one of the most memorable experiences she had occurred while teaching the Dari alphabet. While she was checking the children’s homework, one of them excitedly brought his notebook and said, “Ustad, please check my homework!” When she looked at his notebook, she saw nothing written. Surprised, Dua asked the child ‘My dear child, you haven’t written anything!’ Innocently, the child replied, “Ustad, I did my homework, but my pen had no ink. Please look again; I have written!” When she looked closely, she saw faint, colorless imprints of the pen with which he had written.
Reflecting on this experience, Dua stated, “That moment was one of the most beautiful lessons for my life. This five-year old boy taught me that resources do not restrict a person from achieving their goal. These children’s resilience help me keep hope alive despite the challenges around me.”
Dua along with many others join the mission of JRS in spreading the message of hope across the communities of the forcibly displaced in Afghanistan.