Youth Empowerment
Youth empowerment interventions aim to equip young people with the attitudes, skills and knowledge to identify communal drivers of conflict and tensions, to mitigate, counter and transform them. Coexistence is one of the crucial steps in developing youth leadership in Afghanistan, which will be able to respond to youth aspirations as well as interventions to put into actions to benefit the community
Youth empowerment interventions aim to equip young people with the attitudes, skills and knowledge to identify communal drivers of conflict and tensions, to mitigate, counter and transform them. Coexistence is one of the crucial steps in developing youth leadership in Afghanistan, which will be able to respond to youth aspirations as well as interventions to put into actions to benefit the community
Youth Clubs & Volunteerism
Youth, among the IDP/returnee settlements, form youth groups in the communities. The youth clubs are formed by the youth working as volunteers with JRS. The youth club members work in their respective communities as volunteers. These members gather like-minded youth from their settlements to come together and work towards addressing common issues and responding to the needs of the community.
The youth club members take up activities related to community development, such as Adult literacy/English/Math classes, Sports, Early Childhood Development (ECD) trainings, awareness programs, celebration of events, gender justice training etc. The youth initiatives towards teaching/training have been a flagship intervention of JRS as Each One Teach Some-Training Leaders for Tomorrow (EOTS-TLT).
“The EOTS-TLT program was a life-changer. It not only built up my self-confidence, but helped me discover my talents and become more sociable. The EOTS program has taught me to help others live their dreams and work to bring positive change in society.”
Tayeba*, EOTS-TLT volunteer at Herat
The youth club members take up activities related to community development, such as Adult literacy/English/Math classes, Sports, Early Childhood Development (ECD) trainings, awareness programs, celebration of events, gender justice training etc. The youth initiatives towards teaching/training have been a flagship intervention of JRS as Each One Teach Some-Training Leaders for Tomorrow (EOTS-TLT).
“The EOTS-TLT program was a life-changer. It not only built up my self-confidence, but helped me discover my talents and become more sociable. The EOTS program has taught me to help others live their dreams and work to bring positive change in society.”
Tayeba*, EOTS-TLT volunteer at Herat
The Youth Friendly Centres (YFCs) are the safe spaces for the youth to enhance their personal, social and professional growth. The YFCs are resource centres, consisting of recreational and educational resources, managed by the youth. The space for the YFC is a contribution from the community for the wellbeing of the youth from the community. A team within the youth-club is trained to manage the functioning of the YFC. The YFC is expected to eventually facilitate various awareness and community development activities.
Youth Friendly Centres
Income Generation Training
Vocational training caters to the skills development of the youth from the IDP/returnee settlements to help them improve their livelihood options. The vocational trainings are provided based on market assessment.
The technical training in vocational skills includes a business training component. The training consists of inputs on marketing, linkages, strategies, management training related to business etc. The training is developed to encourage the individuals/trainees to develop their business models and accompany them in implementing the model.